Student test scores reflect overall progress for English Language Training and increase student eligibility for follow-on training programs.
As Lana’s English Language Training (ELT) program transitions into the second half of the current course, our students continue to develop their English language skills. This program supports both the US Air Force and Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) by creating a pool of possible candidates who are eligible to attend follow-on training (FOT) in the US. The students took their mid-term exam earlier this month, and their test scores reflect overall progress. Our objective is not only to increase English language ability but also prepare students for future opportunities.
Student Test Data
Throughout each course, Lana Learn ELT instructors administer three American Language Course Placement Tests (ALCPT) to assess student English comprehension. Overall, all three classes experienced growth from the initial to the mid-term ALCPT. Class Alpha‘s average ALCPT score increased by 10 points which demonstrates 18% growth. Similarly, Class Bravo saw a rise in the class’s average score by nine points which shows 22% growth. Finally, Class Charlie demonstrated the largest growth rate of 60% with a class average score surge of 16-points.
Another method of assessment the instructors use throughout the course are Book Quizzes. Instructors administer these achievement tests once every two weeks upon the completion of a book. Unlike the ALCPT, which measures overall English comprehension, these Book Quizzes are designed to assess course content retention and understanding. So far, students have taken five Book Quizzes, and all three classes hold averages that are above 80%. Class Alpha’s average Book Quiz score is 93%, Class Bravo’s is 88%, and Class Charlie’s is 86%.
Throughout program implementation, ELT instructors have one goal in mind: prepare students for their future. In the short-term, this means supporting students to achieve a minimum ALCPT score of 55 points. This threshold, set by the US Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) in Hanoi, grants students eligibility to register for follow-on training (FOT) program in the United States. So far, out of the 44 students in the current course, 17 of them have reached the eligibility marker. Upon completion of recent courses, we have sent Vietnamese Coast Guard and Air Force students to FOT programs in partnership with Boeing Vietnam and the US Air Force.
Most Improved Student
Student participants come into the ELT program with a large variation in English comprehension levels. Some students have already surpassed the FOT threshold of 55 and are honing their English skills to meet scores of 70-80 for pilot training programs. Others have never attended an English class in their life. Our job is to motivate students, regardless of English level, to work hard and improve their skills.
One student in particular, Lt Nguyễn Văn Tâm, has made vast improvements in the few short months he’s been here. He arrived to the program with an initial ALCPT score of 28 which, according to the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), is a beginner level. However, his hard work and dedication to the program paid off, and he received a 71 on the mid-term exam. This is an impressive 154% improvement as well as a jump from beginner to advanced levels. Additionally, over the last five Book Quizzes, he has averaged 93%. We are excited to see how his English improves over the rest of the course.