Impact Insights

Students showed notable growth and are moving onto follow-on training

Lana Learn’s English Language Training program students showed notable growth over the six-month semester.

The beginning of November marked the end of the second cohort of English Language Training (ELT) students in Hanoi, Vietnam. This group of students showed notable growth over the past five months of the American Language Course. Across the three classes, 71% of students met the 50-point threshold to qualify for follow-on training. The US Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) in Hanoi works with the Vietnamese Ministry of Defence (MND) to identify students who are eligible for training programs in the US. This steady-state program at Unit 871 aligns with MND’s goal that 30% of Vietnam’s Armed Forces should be able to converse in English by 2030.

Class Trends

All three classes demonstrated impressive English language comprehension growth over the six-month course. We measure growth by comparing students’ Initial American Language Course Placement Test (ALCPT) to their Final ALCPT. Students in Class Charlie came into the program with the lowest scores. Despite this, they had the highest growth rate with a percentage increase of 48%. According to the Defense Language Institute English Language Course (DLIELC), lower-level students are more likely to gain a larger growth rate by the end of the course. Class Bravo’s growth rate came in second at 43% with a 16-point increase. Finally, Class Alpha’s growth rate was 32% with a 17-point increase.

The students in each class spent hours every evening, in addition to the six contact hours per day, completing homework and studying. Lana’s ELT instructors give Book Quizzes every two weeks of the program. These assess student content retention. Class Alpha’s Book Quiz scores were the highest of this cohort with an average of 92% over the semester. Class Bravo’s average was 88%, and Class Charlie’s average was 84%.

Student Achievement

This cohort of students proved to be hardworking and committed to learning. However, a few notable students stood out throughout the course. The highest-scoring student was CPT Dương Trọng Nghĩa from Class Alpha. He entered the program with an ALCPT score of 55 points. Throughout the duration of the course, he showed great dedication and enthusiasm. Therefore, his hard work paid off, and he received a Final ALCPT score of 77. ELT instructors chose CPT Nghĩa to represent the students and give a speech at the graduation ceremony. He spoke with clarity and precision, and he impressed all the guests that attended.

CPT Dương Trọng Nghĩa giving remarks at the ELT graduation ceremony.

Lt Nguyễn Văn Tuấn An from Class Charlie showed the highest growth rate of the students in this cohort. He improved by 157%, going from an initial score of 30 to a final score of 77. His growth showed not only in his test scores but also his attitude and work ethic. This was his second semester of ELT at Unit 871, and he initially showed little interest. However, as the course went on, he buckled down and shifted his perspective. Finally, we are pleased to say that he has passed his English Comprehension Level (ECL) exam and will be moving onto the US for his Vietnam Coast Guard follow-on training program.

A US colonel presents a Vietnamese lieutenant with a graduation certificate.
Lt Nguyễn Văn Tuấn An receiving his graduation certificate from LTC Wei Yuan from ODC.

We are incredibly proud of all our students this semester. They left the course with a new outlook on how English acquisition will assist them in their personal and professional development. Many of our students this semester have moved onto follow-on training, and others have been presented with opportunities for other programs. We look forward to seeing the progress our students will make in their future endeavors.

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