Impact Insights

Strong mid-term scores lead to student eligibility for follow-on training

The Lana Learn team in Vietnam recognizes student success as strong mid-term scores show notable improvement in English language comprehension.

Lana Learn’s second cohort of students in its English language training program in Vietnam have demonstrated exceptional development over the first half of the current semester. Contracted by the US Air Force, Lana Learn is providing 45 Vietnamese military officers, appointed by Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defence (MND), with English language training. This “steady state” program supports MND’s goal of 30% of Vietnam’s Armed Forces being able to converse in English by 2030. Strong mid-term scores from this month have led to over 50% of students meeting requirements for follow-on training in the US.

Students who meet the Defense Language Institute English Language Course (DLIELC) intermediate level of English are eligible to take the English Comprehension Level (ECL) test. This exam is a critical step for officers who want to continue military studies at DLIELC in San Antonio, Texas. 53% of our students scored high enough on their mid-term placement test to qualify for taking the ECL. Compared to only 22% of students who qualified at the semester start, these results reflect students’ hard work and commitment.

Read on to learn more about individual class results.

Class Alpha

Mr. Caleb Galipeau made a great impact on his students’ speaking and listening skills this semester. He identified student areas of opportunity at the start of the semester and then ensured each student got the specialized instruction necessary for improvement. His class has the highest level of English comprehension in the program.

Class Alpha’s initial American Language Course Placement Test (ALCPT) average was 54% with students scoring a range of 43%-71%. The class average on the mid-term ALCPT was 59.5% thus showing a 10% average student growth rate. 12 out of the 15 students in his class scored over the follow-on training score threshold. Therefore, they are qualified to take the ECL in November. Click on the link to read more about Class Alpha’s mid-term success.

Class Bravo

Mr. Cedric Chigome led his students to success by providing them with an effective learning strategy. He identified areas where students could best utilize their time practicing and drilling vocabulary, listening, and grammar skills. Class Bravo’s initial ALCPT average score was 38.7% with a range of 35%-43%. We have found that students in this score range find listening especially difficult. As listening comprehension is the first step in forming correct verbal responses, these skills are vital for language acquisition. It’s important to identify listening pitfalls early on, so the instructor can implement the best solutions to assist students.

Mid-term score improvements show that this strategy has been successfully implemented in Class Bravo. The mid-term class average score was 50.8%, marking a student growth rate of 31%. Currently, 9 out of the 15 students in Class Bravo have scored over the follow-on training score threshold and are eligible to take the ECL. Click the link to read more about an especially notable student from Class Bravo.

Class Charlie

Mr. Emile van Heerden has made great strides in cementing a productive work ethic among his students. With little to no previous English learning, some of the students require a higher work ethic than students at higher levels. Students must review and practice the new abilities more frequently to learn new vocabulary, grammar structures, phonetic sounds, and listening skills.  

Class Charlie’s initial ALCPT average score was 30.5% with a range of 18-34%. His students scored an average of 39.3% on the mid-term which marks a 31% student growth rate. Currently, 3 out of the 15 students in Class Charlie qualify to take the ECL in November.

The Lana team is driven to enhance our processes, give students the best opportunity for success, and continuously work toward achieving our objectives. With this mentality, we’ll approach student growth targets by keeping focused goals and utilizing best practices. After reflecting on mid-term results, instructors will continue to motivate students for the remainder of the semester. These exams act as an insight into areas where instructors can lend support to students.

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