The highest-scoring students in Lana Learn’s English Language Training program are putting in effort that results in academic success.
Lana Learn’s English Language Training (ELT) program in Vietnam is currently training its third cohort of Vietnamese military officers in general English. Our group off 44 students began late November 2023, and we are off to a strong start. The officers are divided into three classes based on intake English proficicency test scores. Class Alpha contains the highest-scoring students.
Class data trends
The initial American Language Course Placement Test (ALCPT) showed a class average of 60, with a high score of 79 and a low score of 47. The students started the course on Book 10 which is a high elementary level according to the Defense Language Institute English Language Course (DLIELC). Upon administering their first Book Quiz, the class averaged 95%. The lowest score in the class was an impressive 92%.
Attendance and homework assignments have been positive trend for the first few weeks of this term. Students are punctual and are only absent when they need to fulfill base duties. Similarly, 100% of students have completed assigned homework in a prompt and systematic fashion.
Notable student remarks
It’s very early in the game for Class Alpha this term. That being said, we had two students who scored significantly higher than the rest of the class which spiked the class average. Over half the class scored below 60 points, and nearly all need work on speaking clarity and fluency. One student of note is Lt Khoa. His initial test score was 55, which qualifies him for follow-on training programs, but it’s not exceptional. Although his written test score was good, he has demonstrated difficulty in speaking production ability. Nevertheless, he’s been participating well in class and completing all the required work.
On the first Book Quiz, Lt Khoa was one of two students who scored a perfect 100%. This was surprising considering that many students who had scored significantly higher than him on the ALCPT now were scoring lower than him on the Book Quiz. Naturally, sometimes people have an unusually high score on one Book Quiz that becomes an outlier, but I’ll be watching his scores in online practice and in subsequent assessment to see if this is an accurate reflection on his ability.