Business Breakthroughs

Language learning for military personnel possible through partnerships

Lana has partnerships with multiple organizations that contribute to language learning for military personnel

Communication is one of the cornerstones of effective international partnerships, especially within the military. Many multinational operations rely on English language proficiency. Lana’s English language training (ELT) program provides intensive English instruction to Vietnamese military officers in Hanoi. The main goal of the ELT program is to create a pool of officers qualified to enroll in follow-on training programs in the United States. Lana has partnerships with multiple organizations that contribute to enhanced language learning for military personnel.

U.S. Partners

Lana’s ELT program would not be possible without our U.S. partners: The U.S. Air Force, The Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) and the Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) in Hanoi. Our Air Force Security Assistance Training (AFSAT) program manager ensures proper programming and funding of the ELT program. Our DLIELC program manager, Mr. Lon Jackson, was able to coordinate an oversight visit earlier this year to evaluate the nonresident ELT program implementation at military base Unit 871 in Hanoi. These oversight visits are valuable because they help us assess the quality and impact of the program. Additionally, they provide useful data on whether the program is meeting its objectives and ensure that we are following DLIELC guidelines.

In addition to the oversight visit, we provided Mr. Jackson with a cultural tour of Hanoi.

We collaborate with the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi, especially ODC and the Office of Defense Attache (DAO), to ensure ELT program success. While Lana focuses on instruction and test preparation, ODC is responsible for purchasing and delivering all hard copy materials for students and instructors. Additionally, ODC works closely with Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defence (MND) to ensure proper procedures are followed and contract compliance is met.

The Lana team with the U.S. Ambassador in Vietnam at ODC.

Vietnam Partners

Lana’s partnership with Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defence (MND) is paramount to program success. Lana’s team of ELT instructors deals directly with Unit 871 base management for daily program implementation. The base currently provides us with four classrooms, one of which Lana outfitted with a new language lab last year. We work with the language program liaison, Maj Thuy, to address scheduling, student participants, issues, and ceremonies.

Lana’s ELT instructors, ODC representatives, and Unit 871 base leadership at the May 2024 graduation ceremony.

Through these partnerships, Lana’s ELT program has created a pool of 68 students eligible for follow-on training programs in the U.S. Out of 121 total students, this means that 56% have passed the FOT threshold. Without our partners, language learning for military personnel would not be possible in Hanoi. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our relationships with these organizations and prepare our students for success as they enter the global military stage.

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