Gaining ground in the Lunar New Year

Impact Insights

Students Gaining Ground in the Lunar New Year

American Language Course students in Vietnam work hard to continue gaining ground in the Lunar New Year.

The month of January marks the Lunar New Year (Tết Nguyên Đán) in Vietnam as well as the American Language Course students’ mid-term exams. While students and instructors will be spending quality time with friends and family, here’s how we’re spending the holiday focusing on students gaining ground on progress.

Students have the second half of the month off for the holiday, so the instructors have made use of the nascent digital learning spaces to allow students to continue reading and listening skills practice. The instructors noted that their students were especially glad for the opportunity to continue studying online.

The students finished their mid-term exams on January 16th and are heading to their hometowns. However, to make sure they can keep current in their English levels over the holiday, the Lana Learn instructors have prepared several self-paced activities and exercises for them to complete online.  Naturally, everyone enjoys having a mobile phone for a variety of personal uses, and now – all students have access to online curriculum activities.

February 6th will see students returned and classes getting back to their regular schedule.  All classes will be given a book quiz at the end of the first week back at the base. From a teacher’s perspective, it has been motivating to see so many of students who really struggled with basic concepts now making noticeable progress.  

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