Our 21st CCLC Program Manager, Jasmine, reports on how our 21st CCLC alumni from 2023-2024 are doing this year.
Building relationships with the students at Cardozo Education Campus was a cornerstone of our 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program’s success this past year. While Lana Learn will unfortunately not be returning to Cardozo, I wanted to check in with some of our 21st CCLC alumni to see how they are doing. I hope checking in gives them a chance to share their concerns. Sometimes, just knowing someone cares can ease the stress. It is not just a kind gesture but can also make a significant difference.
21st CCLC All-Stars: Meleik and Feysal
I caught up with Meleik, who was an asset to our program and had the highest attendance last year. He is a senior at Cardozo and is beginning the college application process. Meleik is also doing well on the football team! He is graduating in January and is looking forward to what comes next!
I also checked in with Feysal, who graduated in May and is attending Catholic University on a full ride! He said while the first few weeks of the semester have been tough, he is utilizing campus resources and learning how to juggle college life.

Regularly reaching out helps build a sense of stability, reminding them that they have a reliable network to turn to as they navigate new challenges. Consistent communication allows for deeper, more meaningful conversations, ensuring that any emerging concerns or uncertainties are addressed before they become overwhelming. By making an effort to stay connected, we reinforce the idea that their well-being and success continue to matter long after they leave our program, fostering long-term personal and academic growth.