Lana Learn continues its partnership with DCPS by collaborating with SAT Prep teachers to prepare students for exam success.
Lana Learn is in its second year of partnership with DC Public Schools (DCPS). We provide their teachers with SAT prep professional development training. During this program, DCPS teachers receive the Lana Learn SAT prep curriculum, as well as additional online resources. We guide them on how to effectively use these resources in the classroom to help students maximize their scores on the exam. The program focuses mostly on test-taking strategies that prepare students for exam success.
Lana Learn provides SAT prep coaches with the opportunity for 1:1 meetings. We spend this time conducting a deeper dive into test-taking strategies. Our experts share their test prep teaching experiences and best practices. Additionally, we collaborate with the SAT prep coaches on ways to modify the curricula to fit their classroom needs.
This month, our Program Manager, Maya Burke, visited another DCPS teacher who has been teaching the Testing and College Success class at McKinley Technology High School. This teacher left on maternity leave prior to the curriculum distribution. She created a curriculum for her substitute teacher for the fall semester. Despite being out on leave, and not having yet implemented the curriculum with her students, she was happy to share her input on the curriculum.
The feedback that she and other teachers have given us is essential for Lana Learn’s continuous program improvement. We also share this feedback with the Office of College Preparedness and Persistence Programs at DCPS headquarters to hep them improve their processes.