Lana Learn academic coaches works with both educators and students to help them navigate the digital SAT effectively with healthy test-taking habits.
March has been a milestone month for standardized testing in the Washington, DC area. We saw the introduction of the digital SAT across various schools, including Sandy Spring Friends School, Thurgood Marshall Academy, Chavez Public Charter School, and all DC Public Schools. As we continue to adapt to these changes, it’s crucial to maintain a positive mindset and healthy test-taking habits to excel in these assessments.
Tools for test success
Throughout the month, we have been working closely with educators and students. We are providing last-minute tips and tricks to navigate the digital SAT effectively. From our professional development sessions for teachers to our SAT prep classes for students, we’ve been dedicated to equipping everyone with the tools they need for success.
One exciting development this month has been the launch of our ACT prep class at Sandy Spring Friends School. Recognizing the diversity of options available for college admissions tests, we’re committed to offering comprehensive support for students pursuing their academic goals.
A comprehensive approach to college admissions
As we look ahead, it’s important to remember that standardized testing is just one aspect of the college admissions journey. Scores may not always reflect your true capabilities, and that’s okay. What matters most is how you respond to your results and what steps you take next.
If your scores don’t meet your expectations, don’t panic. Instead, consider your options thoughtfully. One option is to retake the SAT in May or June. To support students in their preparation, Lana Learn will be offering refresher courses and individual tutoring sessions throughout April. These sessions will provide targeted assistance to address specific areas of improvement and build confidence for the next test date.
In addition to focused preparation, it’s essential to cultivate healthy test-taking habits. Prioritize self-care, including getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating nutritious meals. Manage your time effectively during the test, pacing yourself to ensure you have ample opportunity to answer each question accurately.
We understand the anticipation and anxiety that comes with waiting for test scores. Rest assured, we too are eager to hear back and are keeping that data in mind as we prepare for the next round of tests. Your feedback and experiences are invaluable in shaping our approach and ensuring that we continue to provide the best support possible.
Remember, your test score does not determine your worth. Regardless of the outcome, know that you have the resilience and determination to succeed. Keep striving for your goals, and never hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.