Lana Learn is in its second year of enhanced SAT preparation professional development trainings at DC Public Schools.
Lana Learn is working with DC Public Schools (DCPS) to provide its teachers with SAT Prep Professional Development training. This program provides high school teachers with the opportunity to enhance their SAT prep knowledge and skills. The programming consists of virtual trainings at the beginning of each semester to introduce SAT prep teaching techniques. We also supply the teachers with our SAT prep curriculum, teacher and student materials, and online resources. An important part of this enhanced SAT professional development program is for Lana Learn staff to hold classroom observations. Additionally, we hold meetings with teachers throughout the year to discuss the programming.
Lana Learn SAT prep guru, Lashanah Thomas, holds the 1:1 virtual trainings and gives phenomenal, individualized support to all participating teachers. It’s currently our second year of programming with DCPS. Lana Learn continues to build a great partnership with the wonderful staff within the Office of Testing and College Success.
This month, our Program Manager, Maya Burke, was able to visit one of the participants of this program. She shadowed a class taught at Phelps High School as part of the new testing and college success curriculum. It is exciting for us to be able to get into the classroom and meet with teachers to gain feedback from those who are implementing our curriculum and techniques within their classrooms. Teacher feedback allows us to enhance the effectiveness of our program, increase engagement with teachers and students, and ensure that what we are providing is meeting classroom needs. April is a busy month with testing and Spring Break, but we will continue to ensure the consistency of these site visits and feedback meetings.