Lana Learn coaches see academic and social growth in students who participate in High-Impact Tutoring at Roosevelt High School.
High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) sessions are in full swing at Theodore Roosevelt High School, and students are showing both academic and social growth. Two Roosevelt teachers, Mr. Zatyko and Ms. Richardson, participated as cooperating partners in the first semester. They took time to reflect on the HIT program over the past few months.
1. As a teacher participating in the HIT Tutoring program, how do you think your students have benefited from this program so far?
- Students have been able to work with a tutor on classwork in a direct instruction, small group setting. This greatly benefits them by allowing them to feel less pressure from large group environments. They can communicate questions they might otherwise not be able to ask or might be nervous about asking.
- It also allows them to practice their speaking and critical thinking skills with greater oversight from an educator guiding them.
- Student participants are excited to attend sessions as they have seen the direct results of the work they put into the time in tutoring.
2. How do you think HIT Tutoring has been beneficial for English language learners?
- English language learners (ELLs) can practice speaking and writing in one-on-one settings.
- Students learning English have more practice than in a larger group setting in speaking and writing the language.
- A lot of students learning English may get anxious about having to read aloud in a group setting or presenting/speaking in front of non-Spanish speaking students. The HIT tutoring sessions take the pressure off them. They can make mistakes, check, and correct all while being supported in a social and emotional learning (SEL) environment. Overall, this makes them more comfortable in the classroom.
- They have direct and immediate feedback in tutoring sessions.
- Their work is completed on time, and they feel more relaxed because they are able to keep up with the classroom pace at an individualized rate. In larger group settings, ELLs often get frustrated with trying to keep up with the academic pace while also trying to learn the language.
3. What would you change about the HIT Tutoring model?
- Three sessions per week instead of two would benefit identified ELA students.
- More tutors in one building to serve more students.
- Tutoring for the same students for both semesters would help keep consistency with their grades and academic support.
4. Have HIT Tutoring sessions so far helped to improve any student grades?
- ELL writing grades have improved. Teachers record these daily as students complete classwork.
- 14 out of 16 students in the HIT Tutoring Program in ELA have completed 50% more classwork, improving their overall grades by at least 5 points each.
- 4 out of 16 student grades have increased by a full letter grade.
5. Any other comments/ questions you have about HIT Tutoring in your classroom?
- We are incredibly thankful for all the hard work that Jenna has put into making this program work. She truly believes in the power of tutoring to provide students with guidance based on their individual needs. We are looking forward to continuing to build a program that can provide for as many students as possible. We are hopeful that this program can continue because it is a necessary asset for student success.
I am excited to continue our partnership at Roosevelt High School into the spring semester. I look forward to providing students with even more opportunities for growth!